Important Things To Know
The official currency of Denmark is the Danish Krone.
You can exchange cash in U.S. Dollars, Euros, or Pounds Sterling at kiosks throughout Denmark. However, doing so may give you an unfavorable exchange rate. You may be able to use these currencies in certain tourist hubs only.
National Languages
The national language is the Danish language, Dansk. English is widely spoken here. Approximately 86% of the Danish can speak it, most of them fluently.

Dunes at the northern sea near Skagen, Denmark (Photo via rpeters86 / iStock / Getty Images Plus)
Time Zone
Denmark, like many other Northern European nations, has Daylight Savings Time (DST), also known as summertime.
Climate And Weather
The Danish climate is temperate, with cold winters and pleasantly warm summers. There isn’t much fluctuation between day and night temperatures. February is the coldest month of the year and July is the warmest.
Rainfall is pretty consistent throughout the year, so a fold-up travel umbrella is a useful item to pack. The wettest season in Denmark is from September to November.