Important Things To Know
Las Vegas makes use of the US Dollar, but you’ll surely want to exchange those dollars for some chips at the casino table!

PHOTO: Caesars Palace, Las Vegas. (photo via Pixabay/Mariamichelle)
National Languages
The most widely spoken language in the area is English. There are also plenty of Spanish-speaking residents, so you’ll be able to get by if you know either of these languages.
Time Zone
Las Vegas uses Pacific Standard Time, UTC-08:00. The area observes Daylight Savings Time during the winter months to preserve daylight hours. This is usually between mid-March and mid-November, and the time zone then becomes Pacific Daylight Savings Time, or UTC-07:00.
Climate and Weather
Las Vegas has a subtropical hot desert climate. It has long, extremely hot summers, and short winters with mild days. The nights during winter can get quite cool, and the transition seasons of Fall and Spring are fairly warm.
The average high temperature is 81°F (27°C) and the average low temperature is 56 °F (13 °C).