by Lacey Pfalz
Last updated: 4:05 PM ET, Tue March 12, 2024
Excelling at business travel can be tricky, and that's where Business Travel News’ dedicated Corporate Travel Index comes in.
The Index tracks business travel per diems in 200 cities around the world and is the only resource that focuses on business travel rates booked through corporate travel agencies. It includes data from Advito, the consulting arm of BCD Travel, Prime Numbers Technology and from business travel hotel sourcing and distribution specialist, HRS.
All hotel and car rental rates are actual corporate-booked rates, providing business travelers and their travel managers with realistic numbers from business travel. These numbers are calculated each quarter to provide relevant pricing information.
BTN's Corporate Travel Index also includes meal data, which is updated annually. The index is the only resource that provides a yearly approach to meal per diems per market and offers side-by-side comparisons in U.S. dollars.
Yet the index isn't just for calculating expected business travel costs: it's also a unique insight into traveler safety.
The resource provides details on health and crime risk, personal risk data for women and members of the LGBTQ+ community as well as the socio-economic instability of a destination to inform corporations and their travelers of the potential risks they would encounter while traveling for work. The data is completed through GeoSure, which provides a GeoSafeScore for each destination analyzed in the index.
“Unlike leisure travelers, business travelers rarely choose where they go for trips—instead, they follow the business need,” said BTN's editorial director, Elizabeth West. “They still, however, want a sense of control, whether that’s around costs or personal safety. Travel managers and corporations want this predictability as well. BTN’s Corporate Travel Index offers timely insights that allow businesses and business travelers to structure their travel programs or their individual business trips around reliable data-driven pricing and safety guidance.”
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