About Universal Studios Hollywood
Universal Studios Hollywood transports its visitors to a land of fiction as its movie-themed atmosphere aims to knock the socks off children and adults. From state-of-the art 3D roller coasters and Studio Tour to its scenic universal CityWalk and excellent dining and shopping provisions, this thrilling themed park transforms films into an action packed playground for all movie buffs. As a division of NBC Universal, it is able reach a multiplicity of avid moviegoers by producing an enchanting look into the creation of filmmaking through the eyes of one of the most dynamic forces in the entertainment business. Universal Studios Hollywood also brings the big screen to life for its VIP customers by showering them with the ultimate star treatment. With such a powerful role as the "Entertainment Capital of L.A.", Universal Studios Hollywood is able to accomplish the difficult task of making the art of motion pictures a realistic adventure.
Contact Information100 Universal City Plaza, Universal City, CA 91608
(800) 864-8377