Important Things To Know
Nassau used the Bahamian dollar (BSD). Most places will accept USD, but you might get your change in BSD. You’ll also be able to use your card at most establishments.

Goldwynn Resort Bahamas (Photo Credit: Goldwynn Resort Bahamas)
National Languages
The national language in the Bahamas is English, and Nassau is no exception. This makes it easy for tourists to communicate.
Time Zone
Nassau is in the UTC-5 time zone, but it does observe Daylight Savings Time. This means that from 12 March to 5 November, Nassau is actually in the UTC-4 zone as the clocks are put forward an hour.
Climate And Weather
In Nassau, the climate is generally divided into two main seasons because there are not really four distinct ones.
These two seasons are the hot season from May to October and the cooler season from November to April. The cooler season tends to be around 68 - 77°F, which is slightly cooler than the hot season, where temperatures average about 77 - 86°F. However, temperatures are pretty pleasant year-round.
The hot season is often rainy, whereas the cooler season tends to be drier. However, it is still balmy year-round in Nassau.
Another important thing to be aware of is that the Bahamas (and therefore Nassau) lies in the Atlantic hurricane belt. Hurricane season is from June to November.