Important Things To Know
Antarctica makes use of the Antarctican dollar. It is often referred to as an Emp, after the emperor penguins that roam the continent. However, note that it is not legal tender and is more of a keepsake for visitors to take home with them.
The Antarctican dollar is pegged to the United States dollar. As the dollar rises and falls, so does the Emp.

Sunset in Antarctica(Photo by Lauren Breedlove)
National Languages
There are no permanent, local residents in Antarctica so there is no official national language.
The languages most spoken in Antarctica are those spoken by researchers. The most commonly spoken language is Russian, and then English.
Time Zone
Antarctica follows the New Zealand daylight time. However, the longitudinal lines that dictate different time zones all meet at one point in Antarctica. This means that the idea of time becomes completely muddled.
Originally, explorers and researchers kept their home time zones. However, as you can imagine, having multiple different parties living in different time zones is confusing. Thus, the official decision was made to function under the New Zealand Time Zone.
Climate And Weather
Antarctica observes only two seasons: summer and winter. These seasons are often marked by a change in daylight patterns. During summer, there are six months of daylight and slightly warmer temperatures. During winter, there are six months of darkness and slightly colder temperatures.
Is summer warm? Nope! But, pack your costumes in case you’re brave enough for a polar plunge.